I often get questions about what is a good, solid pre-game warm-up for GKs. So, when we do get to go back out and play matches again, below is a warm-up regimen that I put together for the GKs from Tennessee Soccer Club a couple of years ago. These GKs are all Youth GKs, ranging in ages U12 through U19. Obviously, GK abilities vary, and GKs should adjust for their levels; but this gives you a pretty fair idea of what I think a good GK Warm-up would entail.
NOTE: As with all things GKing....this is not the only answer. Use what helps, throw out what doesn't!
TSC Goalkeeper Suggested Pre-Game Warm-Up Routine
2 GKs, 2 Soccer Balls, 4 cones
(GK warm-up to commence after team dynamic warm-up)
Easy Jog back-and-forth across 18 yard box. 3x back-and-forth (with or without ball--preferably with a ball at feet)
- Warm-up Throws 30x Total (15 each GK)
- Warm-up Bowling 30x Total
- Warm-up 2-touch 30x Total
- Warm-Up Volleys 30x Total
- Individual Stretch 1 minute
- 4-cone footwork and catch from Post 20x Total (10 each GK) L post, R post
- Warm-Up Roll-downs 3x each side Starting from Sitting, Knees, Standing (each GK)
- Individual Stretch 1 minute
- Crosses from Flank 8x from each side (each GK)
- Shots from top of D 8x from each side (each GK)
- Shots from 18 yd line 8x from each side (each GK)
- Individual Stretch 1 minute
- Any additional work that GK feels he/she needs
This Warm-Up plan assumes a 45 minute window for pre-game activities. If less time, cut warm-up short by reducing number of reps per exercise.
ALWAYS follow the direction/wishes of the Head Coach regarding pre-game warm-up and preparation.
May the ground beneath your dive be soft. May your goalposts be 3 feet wide. May the other team shoot everything right at you.
All the Best--EV
(Thanks for the photo, Google)